The past few months have been a bundle of emotions and new emotions only continue to surface as this process continues. From questioning and disbelief to a sense of assurance and surrender, I hold on tight to the knowledge that our God is mighty and freely gives a love deeper than what I can fathom. The process to go to Malawi seemed to come so quickly into play the moment my heart said "yes"! There were no "take backs" or "ha, I changed my mind". And as scary as that was, I also felt a deep sense of comfort and a soft whisper telling me to have faith and take a step. He would take care of me if I trusted Him on this one!
So as I prepare for a year teaching in Africa I've noticed some things. I notice myself becoming more in need of hugs and love as I realize that very soon I will be separated from everyone near and dear to my heart for a whole year. My apologies if you feel smothered at all!! I also want to spend every waking moment with friends and family. Even if that means taking a friend to the health center to help me get shots, or simply dragging friends around town in the heat to run errands. Thank you dear friends for that. I've also noticed how extremely anxious I've become about how to pack for a year. How does one pack for a whole year? Honestly?
However, as I think about the opportunity to go to Africa I think about many of you. When the opportunity to go teach in Malawi arose I prayed that God would reveal Himself to me and continue to reaffirm this life-changing decision…and He has through many of you! Through your excitement and enthusiasm I have been so encouraged. Your willingness to pray for me has been uplifting. I have been completely overwhelmed by the generosity of those who already have or have said they are willing to support me financially, and I love that so many have jumped on board and are diligently collecting cans for me. There are even a special few who are willing to stay after church to dumpster dive with me, or even help me cart a load of cans to be recycled. You people should be given a medal, I'll put in the order to heaven now!
All in all I just want to say “THANK YOU”!!!! Your love and support goes much further than you may realize and I am so grateful for all your love.